How to Close the Sale
How to close the sale with potential planning or venue clients!
5 Tips for Leading and Closing with Confidence
These are tactics I use in both my planning and my venue business. And these are the exact tips I offer the people on my team when meeting with potential clients. Whether you are new to the business, or have been around awhile. The fact of the matter is, selling yourself and your business to others is not something that just comes naturally to most people. So using these tips I have put together for you, and practicing in the mirror a few times will help you over the finish line for closing a sale with a new client.
Lead with confidence
The common saying I’m sure you’ve heard many times, “Fake it till you make it” is sometimes reliable advice! We live in a world full of content at our fingertips 24/7. So it is easy to compare yourself to other business owners and feel like a fraud. Or to let your nerves get the best of you before meeting with potential clients. But I have always lived by the saying “Fake it till you make it” when it comes to showing off my confidence to clients. If you are walking into a room like you own it, then others will believe you do. And that is the first step to winning over them over.
Find common ground
I always start off my client meetings by getting to know my client. And most importantly, letting them talk and tell me their life story. It breaks the ice and gives me insight to who they are and what is important to me. Come prepared with a list of ice breaker questions to ask to get the ball rolling.
Pay attention when they tell you their pain points
When they are telling you about themselves and what they are looking for. Pay attention to the things they are subtly telling you they need help with or are looking for. They might not even realize they are giving that information to you! But if you are a good listener, you can pick out what they are and are not looking for.
Tell them how you are the answer to their problems
When you have identified those pain points, you can flip it around to show them how you or your business can provide exactly what they need! If they say they get anxious and overwhelmed easily, then you can show them how much your services or business and help eliminate stress!
Ask for it
At the end of your client meeting, don’t be afraid to come right out and ask for the sale! More people than you think will be willing to pull the trigger on the spot if you give them the opportunity to.